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Hard days, good times, blue skies, dark nights Baby, I want you to take me ... wherever you're going to Maybe say that you'll save me ... a seat next to you In the corner booth of a downtown bar, with your head on my shoulder Smokin' on a cheap cigar...that would be alright with me In the back row of a movie or a cross-town train I wanna hear your voice whispering my name...that's where I wanna be Hard days, good times, blue skies, dark nights Baby, say that you'll take me ... wherever you're going to Maybe say that you'll save me ... a seat next to you Life is like a ferris wheel, spinnin' around When you get to the top it's hard to look down Just hang on ... we'll make it through Save me ... a seat next to you When you get to the gates and the angels sing Go to that place where the church bells ring You know I'll come runnin' ... runnin' to find you Baby, say that you'll take me ... wherever you're going to Maybe I want you to save me ... a seat next to you A seat next to you A seat ... next to you A seat ... next to you 最佳解答發問者自選 .. 回答者: 구 ㅣ ㅇ... ( 初學者 3 級 ) 回答時間: 2007-07-04 15:02:56 [ 檢舉 ] .Seat Next To You 你旁邊的位子 Long slow drive down an old dirt road 漫長緩慢的開在一條土的老路 You've got your hand out the window, listening to the radio 你的手在窗戶外,聽著收音機 That's where I wanna be... 那就是我想要在的地方 On an old park bench in the middle of December 12月中旬 在一個公園的老長板凳上 Cold hard rain fallin', can't find no cover 冷硬的雨下著,找不到地方躲 That would be alright with me... 那也沒關係 Hard days, good times, blue skies, dark nights 不好的日子 美好時光 藍色的天空 漆黑夜晚 Baby, I want you to take me ... wherever you're going to 寶貝 我想要你帶我去... 你要去的任何地方 Maybe say that you'll save me ... a seat next to you 可能這樣說的話 你會幫我保留... 一個在你旁邊的位子 In the corner booth of a downtown bar, with your head on my shoulder 在一個鄉下吧的小角落 你的頭在我肩上 Smokin' on a cheap cigar...that would be alright with me 抽著便宜的煙.... 對我來說也沒關係 In the back row of a movie or a cross-town train 在電影院的最後一排或穿越城鎮的火車 I wanna hear your voice whispering my name...that's where I wanna be 我想要聽到你的聲音輕輕說著我的名字... 那就是我想要在的地方 Hard days, good times, blue skies, dark nights 不好的日子 美好時光 藍色的天空 漆黑夜晚 Baby, say that you'll take me ... wherever you're going to 寶貝 我想要你帶我去... 你要去的任何地方 Maybe say that you'll save me ... a seat next to 可能這樣說的話 你會幫我保留... 一個在你旁邊的位子 Life is like a ferris wheel, spinnin' around 生命就像摩天輪 轉阿轉 When you get to the top it's hard to look down 當你到最高點時就很難往下看 Just hang on ... we'll make it through 就撐下去... 我們會度過的 Save me ... a seat next to you 幫我保留... 一個在你旁邊的位子 When you get to the gates and the angels sing 當你到天堂的們 天使高唱 Go to that place where the church bells ring 去那個教會鈴響的地方 You know I'll come runnin' ... runnin' to find you 你知道我會跑過來... 跑來找你 Baby, say that you'll take me ... wherever you're going to 寶貝 說你會帶我去... 你要去的那個地方 Maybe I want you to save me ... a seat next to you 可能我想要你為我保留...你旁邊的一個位子 A seat next to you 你旁邊的一個位子 A seat ... next to you 你旁邊的一個位子 A seat ... next to you 你旁邊的一個位子 相關詞: next to you,next plane home,鋼彈vs鋼彈next plus,next level,next princess,next time,america's next top model,next to you歌詞,next week,next step Next,Seat Next To You,next,old park bench,In the corner,地方,ferris wheel,voice whispering,美好時光 藍色,blue skies[ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 0 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) .發問者評價 thank you very much .發表你的評價 你的評價 發表評價: 正面 普通 負面 評價內容: 發表 取消 . 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 .馬上按讚 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知識+ 粉絲團 •3分鐘測試你的英文力 •多益700分線上測驗題庫 •立即免費測試你的多益等級 •英文email超實用金句! •免費下載空姐英文教戰手冊 •多益700分線上測驗題庫 相關問答 [ 英文 ]_____next to the Chairman . [ 英文 ]next December是什麼意思? . [ 英文 ]next time . [ 英文 ]請問next time與the next time的差別 . [ 西洋音樂 ]Next 2 You Lyrics是誰唱的? . 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